Monday, May 26, 2014

Acceptable Offerings

Happy Memorial Day! I hope you're having a swell day with family and friends. Hopefully some great barbecue food is happening as well. Please remember to take a second out of your day to thank a service man or woman for all that they have sacrificed.

Source (text added by me)

The basis for the sermon this past Sunday was based on the story of Cain and Abel. Both Cain and Abel had brought to God their offerings. Abel brought fat portions from his firstborn sheep, since he was a shepherd and Cain brought fruits that he had raised as a farmer. So everything is fine and dandy, right? Both brought what they could. 

But Cain’s heart wasn’t in the offering, it was just an act.  God appreciated Abel’s offering more, it was more sincere, it was being given from the heart. (Genesis 4:1-16)

Usually when this story is preached on the main focus is on giving your most important valuables to God, whether it’s time or money. But today it was different. Of course God wants your offerings and wants you to give them willingly.

But what he wants most of all is our hearts. He wants us to desire a relationship with him. He wants us to pursue him, and he, in turn, to pursue us. 

So how do with give God our hearts? 

This is something I plan on reflecting on and praying about this week. Hopefully you can do the same and share whatever insights God has given you. 

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