Friday, May 23, 2014

Learning Curve

Holy learning curve. 

Do you ever feel like you bit off more than you can chew? That you’re slightly drowning in your own goals and inspirations that you don’t even know where to start? That you know there’s something fabulous you can accomplish if you just begin?

And then I couldn’t even figure out how to open my damn computer at first. I mean, seriously? I’ve been a Windows girl all my life (aka college career that included many a anatomy paper and lots of Facebook browsing) but never have I made the jump into Macintosh land. I’ve thought about it, but I couldn’t justify the purchase. I mean, I never thought I’d be the kind of person who would consider putting myself out there on the internet via a blog and see what happens. And in order to do that, I would need a functioning computer, not the dinosaur that is currently hiding under my bed…

I finally said screw it and bought a new Mac last week. Now I cry inwardly every time I see my credit card bill. Looks like I’m just not going to look at it for the next month or so until that bill magically disappears (I wish). Anyway, there’s no going back. Here I am world, about to make my mark. The proper tools was the only thing to holding me back.

So, back to the mark I am going to make. What inspires me? What makes me so glad I’m alive that I want to share it with the world? What makes me tick? All great questions that I’m going to pursue and answer on my new space on the internet. Pretty exciting stuff. My blog will include a mishmash of nonsense that makes me happy. Crafts, books, inspiration, my faith, and ramblings about day to day life.

What made me decide to take this unexpected leap? Well, I love my job, I really really do. But there really isn’t a whole lot of creativeness going on there. It’s very regimented and procedure orientated. I need a bit more of spunk in my life. Something that keeps me going, my blood pumping, and makes my little heart go “Yes!” and that, my friends, is great writing, new ideas, crafts, and overconsumption of wine. That is why I’m doing this. I need a creative outlet.

So hopefully I didn’t bore you to tears. Only tears of joy allowed here folks. I know you’ve been waiting for this: Let me introduce you to “This Lovely Jaunt.” Now, it looks a little rough, please bear with me as I make my appropriate tweaks and make it look as I dreamed. 

This is just the beginning. There’s a lot more fun to be had. Who doesn’t love a learning curve?

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